Ballerina Garland
From left to right:
1. Adele Dumilatre as la Diane chasseresse (a French dancer)
2. Fanny Cerrito in the new grand ballet (an Italian ballet dancer and choreographer)
3. Madame Celeste as the Maid of Cashmere (Céline Céleste was a French dancer)
4. Marie Taglioni in Sylphide (Comtesse de Voisins was a Swedish ballet dancer)
5. Marie Taglioni in Gitana
6. Fanny Elssler In the Cracovienne dance, in the ballet of The Gypsy (an Austrian ballerina of the Romantic Period)
All images by E. T. Parris 1793-1873. Published by Hodgson, Boys & Graves
Courtesy of The New York Public Library Digital Collections.