To me, the French Raspberry Souffle is a version of heaven. So light, sweet, pretty and mysterious with its air-like finish it is the quintessential dessert for special and every occasion … I could eat it for breakfast!
Soufflé is the past participle of the word “breath,” or “puff” in French. According to Vogue magazine, it has always been a delicacy among French aristocracy. “Louis XIV supposedly laid out veal kidney and lemon rind soufflé on his banquet table in the 1700s; Later, during Marie Antoinette’s time, Antoine Beauvilliers opened the first prominent high-end Parisian restaurant offering the cloud-like delicacy.
But where can you find the perfect souffle? Aha, again thanks to Vogue doing a little research, the best souffle in Paris can be found on the Left Bank at Le Recamier in St Germain Des Pres.
So what is the recipe for a perfect Raspberry Souffle? French patissier Vincent Gadan shows us on SBS’s French Food Safari the easy way to make a melt in your mouth Raspberry Souffle using simple but important techniques, rose petal garnish, raspberry coulis and the most gorgeous copper pots.
Manu Feildel gives us his version of the Raspberry Souffle inspired by the incredibly beautiful movie The Hundred Foot Journey. In short the movie is about an Indian family which moves to the south of France and opens an Indian restaurant across the road from a two Michelin Star traditional French restaurant. It’s a must see starring Helen Mirren – it brings a tear writing this, it’s such a lovely story … and so French … and so Indian! But back to the Raspberry souffle … well, see Manu in action, and bon appetit!
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