Easter tea parties, any tea parties, offer a beautiful way to connect with your darling. They also have wonderful learning opportunities that will last a life time. Words by KIM COTTON, images by JESS FARTHING.
An Easter Tea Party offers focused time with your little one that you may not ordinarily have. It’s particularly special if you’re a working parent because it allows you a set window of time to be together, sharing a project, doing something engaging for both of you.
In our Easter Tea Party we have included items from Little French Heart. Tea Sets, Bunnettes from Provence, fair trade wool decorations, and vintage Easter eggs. It makes a pretty scene when garlands and flowers and, of course, some bunnies are added. Easter Tea Parties can be anything you wish. Talk to your child about what they would like to include, try writing a list together ~ find it in the backyard, seek it out in your local supermarket. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; it’s the time together that counts, with a little childhood magic thrown in.
When spending time with your child, or if you invite friends over, you can guide them to practice skills that they can carry through life. Learning to wait until another person has finished speaking, learning about general manners, engaging in the art of conversation, being good company. These are the kinds of things that help children make friends when they enter school. When children make friends easily they are happy, one of the keys to being a good learner through life.
For us as parents, it gives us time to be with our child doing something lovely ~ to laugh, to hear your child’s thoughts, to cherish their curiosity and their personalities. It’s time you will remember, and that is the best Easter gift you can give to yourself.
A big thanks to Jess Farthing, a Mum of four and product stylist. Discover Jess’s work.